

Make house guests wonder, "what is that incredible smell?" with an intoxicating potpourri display. The word "potpourri" literally translates to "rotten pot" in French, but the pleasant aroma it creates is far from rotten. Potpourri is a popular home accessory that has been used for centuries; it is primarily made of storecrafty type, it could be a worthwhile venture. To begin the homemade potpourri process, you have to gather the right materials. Of course, recipes can be modified to your tastes, but this list includes the most commonly recommended ingredients: * Lavender leaves, flowers * Mint leaves * Cinnamon bark * Nutmeg * Cloves * Lemon peel * Marjoram leaves, flowers * Rose flowers, hips, oils * Cedar or pine wood chips * Tulip or peony petals * Essential oils * Jasmine flowers, oils These various scents and materials can be mixed and matched to your liking, or according the season in which you're making it. Cinnamon quantities can be increased during autumn and winter seasons, perhaps with some pine cones and holly berries added as well. Lavender or mint can be boosted during spring and summer seasons for a fresh invigorating smell throughout the home. Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix and match until you've reached olfactory satisfaction. The final ingredient is perhaps the most importantlasting potpourri scent. Without it, potpourri would last for only a few days. Here's where patience plays a key role in the process. Once all ingredients are blended, store in a covered container in a cool, dark place for four to six weeks. Every two or three days, stir the concoction to make sure the scents are evenly distributed. Once the potpourri is finished, it can be placed in vases, sachets, party favors, weddings, or almost any other formal occasion. * ''Tip:'' Essential oils should be used sparingly. Too much can overwhelm the scents of the dried plants and flowers. 

Simmering Potpourri

For a quick and easy way to get that potpourri smell without waiting four to six weeks, try a Simmering potpourri pots are available for such an occasion.

Pre-Made Potpourri

Don't have four to six weeks to spare, or don't care to gather so many ingredients? Not a problem. Most craft and home brands offer a pre-made potpourri that is just as satisfying to your nose. 

Potpourri Accessories

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